[emergencynw] Call for performances... Junction Goole

Please find below a call for short pieces from companies / performers who are under 25 years old. The call-out is from Junction in East Yorkshire, but I'll be hosting the event on the night, and will also be involved in selecting the acts. I've heard from the venue that they haven't received many proposals yet, with just a couple of days to go. It's unpaid but is a great opportunity to try out short performances or works-in-progress, and also a chance to get your work seen by Drunken Chorus if any of you are thinking of applying for future DRUNKEN NIGHTS events (more details on that project here: www.drunkennightsblog.wordpress.com).

If anyone has any questions about it please feel free to give me a shout. Applications can be sent to Nicola Dixon at Junction - nicola.gtc@btconnect.com.

Hope to see a few applications from familiar names!



Chris Williams